My Recycling Story – How It All Began

"Don't you throw it away – you never know when and how you can still use it!" said my grand mom always. And I guess it began already then. ...I mean my material hoarding, creative recycling and crafting.

Right after I could make something I used to spend hours and hours in my grand mom's sewing room that had maybe one square meter space. The one wall was shelf from floor to ceiling and full with cloth in beautiful colours. And the morning light, beaming from the little window, would make the colours even sweeter. It was magical! I still get this relaxing feeling when I make things.

My first own creations were 90's big hit: hair scrunchies. Then a bit later I became the official jeans repairer for my friends and started modifying old clothes. Together with my grand mom I was practising sewing and with her help I even made some pretty serious mini skirts and party tops. And the great thing was that she never questioned my style or my creative vision. She was just happy to help and teach. Though we never used any real techniques or design models. ...I still can't utilise instructions. I believe in try and error and making it by heart.

RokRokInc. upcycled handcrafted jewellery
Me and my recycling mentor oh so many years ago.



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